Il 24 maggio a Roma convegno sui progetti Life
Bologna, 22 May 2017. “Adaptation to climate change: the experiences and opportunities of LIFE projects in Italy” is the conference scheduled in Rome, next May 24th, Aranciera di San Sisto, Via di Valle delle Camene 11, to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the LIFE program and the Habitats Directive, both approved on 21 May 1992. It is organized by the Italian Local Agenda 21 Association, the LIFE DERRIS Project and the LIFE MASTER ADAPT Project, in collaboration with the Environmental Sustainability Department of Rome capital city. The event includes representatives of Municipalities and Regions that over the years have developed plans and tools to adapt to the service of environmental quality, among which, the Emilia-Romagna Region, represented by Valeria Pancioli, of the Regional Agency for Territorial Security and civil protection, which will illustrate the goals of LIfe Primes and the first results.