EventiNewsProtezione Civile
Lugo (RA), meeting with students on the Life Primes project
Organized by the Union of the municipalities of Lower Romagna on 19 April to the professional technical pole
Bologna, 20 April 2018. The project to prevent flood risk Life Primes, which also involves the municipalities of Lugo and Sant’Agata Sul Santerno, proposes the civic adaptation plan (CAAP) to increase its capacity to adapt and evaluate its knowledge on good Practices to be taken in the event of flooding and storms. The CAAP is a structured questionnaire as an online game that every citizen can fill out. The aims of this initiative are the training of participants with brief tutorials on the topic and their involvement in the definition of adaptation actions. By completing the questionnaire, you can also evaluate your knowledge of flood and storm risk through a quiz that, at the end of the course, returns your “resiliency profile”. To illustrate this initiative to the young people of the territory and at the same time give advice on how to behave in an emergency, the union of the municipalities of Lower Romagna organized a meeting with the students of the Professional Technical center of Lugo.
The initiative, which took place on Thursday 19 April, was attended by the mayor with the responsibility of the civil protection of the Union of the communes of Lower Romagna Paola Pula, the councillor for civil Protection of the municipality of Lugo Valentina Ancarani and the head of services Environment and civil protection of the Union Stefano Ravaioli.
“We wanted to illustrate this project, headed by the Emilia-Romagna region, in a school because we think it might be a good opportunity to make training on an important topic – said Paola Pula-. In this way, we took the opportunity to share with students the behaviours to be implemented in the event of an emergency, such as floods and/or flooding. ”
“The Life Primes Project, to which Lugo joined together with Sant’Agata Sul Santerno, started from a survey carried out on children and their knowledge of behaviours to be taken in the event of an emergency, such as floods – Valentina Ancarani added-. The results of this survey revealed the need to improve the awareness of hydraulic safety. ”
During the appointment Stefano Ravaioli, he explained to the present the situation of the territory, the system of the weather alerts and the organizational model with regard to the civil protection.In addition, some students have compiled the civic adaptation plan to verify their knowledge on the subject.
The CAAP is available at the link http://www.lifeprimes.eu/index.php/piano-di-adattamento.
The municipalities, among those that are part of the Life primes project, which will have compiled more questionnaires by 30 April will win the “Primes” Community resilient prize, with a value of about 4 thousand euros, consists of material about the risks and Correct behaviors to be taken and will be attributed to a municipality for each participating region based on the percentage value of CAAP compiled compared to the resident population. The prize aims to stimulate participation and dialogue with the local communities on the issues of climate change and flood risk. The award will be delivered during the final conference of the project.